
For future cyber world development and defenses

For all our control system, development, and defenses in the cyber world connecting planets to planets in a single interface. Shōrai Technologies consistently innovate and develop new technologies to cope with the new changes introduced by nature.

Via software, we can achieve our Shōrai values where we can easily improve continuously while being hands-on with our technologies, faster, cheaper, and easily testable.

Careful Development, Safety Audited, and Continuously Improved

At Shōrai Technologies, we aim for 1 and only 1 objective: ensuring you're consistently successful, not just one time success. To do that, we always maintain the following values in our products and services in interplanetary agriculture industry.

Genuinely Hands-On

Continuously Improved

Tested Before Release

Enterprise Software Services

All our enterprise software services for your business needs. Let Shōrai Technologies handles the tech complications; you focuses on making money.

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This is a test site for 1:1 product commerce web page. When you wish to test out the "BUY" button of any available product, please use the following payment and personal information:

  • Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242

  • Card Name: John S. Smith

  • Card CVC: Any 3 digits

  • Card Expiry: Any date

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Enterprise Resources Management

All our enterprise software services for your business needs. Our services include:

  • Accounting with Inline and real-time Auditing

  • Immutable and re-construction capable journal-type databases

  • Stock and inventory management

  • Customer relation management

  • Inter-planetary logistic services integrations

  • Banking and payment gateway integrations

  • Quick and seamless interface portal

Price: MYR100.00 per month per user

Communications Services

All our enterprise level software services for consolidating every known communications services into a single customer relation interface for controlled staffs access.

  • Connects more than 12 communications channels

  • Seamlessly integrate-able with Shōrai Technologies' ERP software system.

  • Cases tracking system for quality communications assurances.

  • Cloud-based accessible consolidated messaging interface.

  • Built-in AI organizers.

Price MYR30.00 per month per user

Inter-Planetary Banking Services

All our enterprise level software service for connecting to all inter-planetary banking system with 1 simplified and secured interface.

  • Connects more than 2500 inter-planetary banking system.

  • Friendly API for easy payment transaction interfacing.

  • Blockchains supported.

  • Journalized Transactions between our interface and banks.

  • E-Escrow feature available.

  • Build in AI fraud and illicit laundering detection.

Price MYR 30.00 per month per user

Hardware Services

Our state of the art hardware system in case you need on-the-ground operations. Build for endurance and localized disconnected operations.

Cybersecurity Services

Our cyberspace specialist to handle your enterprise security, inside and outside, domestically, internationally, and interplanetary.

Data Management Services

Our cyberspace specialist to handle your enterprise data processing, presentation, and management. All data are safe while operating under us.